
Welcome to my blog. My name is Riley Faith and I am a musician and songwriter. I love Jesus and have used my gift of music to serve Him since I was seven. I am now pursuing a career as a Christian artist and want to make music for the rest of my life.

I have also recently survived two different instances of spiritual abuse in the span of four years. While the road to healing has been long and winding, it has taught me the importance of spiritual abuse awareness and advocacy in the Church because it is happening far more than the average Christian realizes.

I originally bought the domain for this blog back in 2018, thinking it would be just another creative outlet for me. Now that this blog is finally going live in 2023, I am grateful I kept the domain all this time because I am entering a part of my life where I am ready to speak up and offer Bible-based reflections on important issues in the Church that can be swept under the rug.

My prayer is that my words posted here will reflect Christ alone, and will offer encouragement and edification for the Church.

Soli Deo gloria!